Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Why this YouTuber says Memphis is on the list of cities that 'aren't cool now but will be'

#1:Why this YouTuber says Memphis is on the list of cities that 'aren't cool now but will be'

A YouTube influencer recently posted a video of his thoughts on eight cities that will become cool soon, and Memphis was on his list.

Geography King, an account with 229,000 subscribers that creates videos on U.S. geography and road trip advice, posted his analysis of eight cities in the U.S. that "aren't cool now but will be."

He describes the video as an "analysis of 8 U.S. cities that are not experiencing large growth and are not considered trendy, but because of various projects and geography they will become trendy and more popular places in which to move." The video has had 128,886 views since it was posted 2 weeks ago.
Why Memphis will become 'cool'

For Memphis, he cited two major reasons for large growth in the next few years. His first reason is that the movement between Memphis and Nashville favored Memphis for the first time in 2022. He cites a report that details the ways in which more people moved from Nashville to Memphis than vice versa last year.

One of the biggest reasons for the Nashville to Memphis migration is housing affordability. According to, the average home in Memphis sold for $200,000 in November 2023, in comparison to Nashville where the average home price is much higher, $584,900 in November 2023.

Geography King's second reason for probable growth in Memphis is Ford's BlueOval City opening. Set to open in 2025, there is a lot of work to go into the six-square-mile property. The state of Tennessee anticipates 30,000 new jobs coming to West Tennessee as a result of the manufacturing plant. He says that more people will end up moving to Memphis as the plant is only an hour from Downtown.
Which other U.S. cities will be 'cool' next?

Other cities mentioned on the list are:

    El Paso, Texas: The large military presence near the border and big oil industry are reasons for an increased population.

    Columbia, South Carolina: Great walkability throughout and affordable housing will draw people into the city.

    Tulsa, Oklahoma: Redevelopment going on near the Arkansas River and low housing costs may help people decide to move there.

    Fresno, California: There is a great outdoor presence, and many people will move there that work for companies in Silicon Valley that don't have to go to work often.

    Dayton, Ohio: Its location between Cincinnati and Columbus makes it a good choice for split-working households, and the redevelopment in its downtown area is a feature to draw people in.

    Bethlehem, Pennsylvania: With Lehigh University, a short drive to Philadelphia and good walkability, there may be an increase in people moving here for cheaper city living.

    Lake Charles, Louisiana: There is a large blue-collar industry presence here and with a nice downtown area in the middle of western Louisiana, the city has the potential to become a destination move.


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